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What Is a Plaster Liner? What Is the Function of a Plaster Liner?

A plaster liner is an auxiliary product for plaster and polyurethane bandages. Its function is to prevent the bandage from releasing heat and burning the skin during the solidification process, making it suitable for patients who need to use plaster bandages.

The plaster liner helps to prevent symptoms such as pressure sores, ischemic contractions, ulcers, and infections that may be caused by the compression of the plaster. It also helps to avoid the possibility of bone fracture repositioning due to untimely plaster replacement. The multi-hole design increases the breathability of the skin, increasing patient comfort. Avoiding the need for multiple plaster replacements not only reduces patient discomfort but also reduces treatment costs. It also reduces the workload of doctors during patient follow-up appointments.


The product is used to fill the gap between the external fixation device (splint or plaster bandage) and the skin in closed fractures, and works together with the external fixation device to prevent skin damage during fixation. It does not come into contact with the wound and is designed for one-time use.


1. Wrap the injured area with gauze, then place a medical gypsum liner (not inflated, and keep the liner flat) outside the gauze and fix it with a splint or gypsum bandage. 2. When reviewing after about a week, according to the degree of limb swelling, there is no need to replace the gypsum and gypsum liner. The airbag can be inflated, and the limb peripheral blood flow can be observed after inflation, and the inflation should be adjusted according to the tightness until it is suitable (used under the guidance of a doctor). 3. Inflate multiple times according to the patient's swelling condition.

Main materials

The main materials of the medical plaster liner are an integral inflatable liner consisting of an air sac, an air inlet tube, and an air storage bag.

The function of the medical plaster liner includes:

  • Filling the space between the patient's limb and the plaster;

  • Preventing discomfort caused by plaster compression;

  • Increasing skin permeability for greater patient comfort;

  • Preventing improper plaster replacement from causing bone fractures to reposition;

  • Reducing the frequency of plaster replacement to reduce patient suffering and economic burden;

  • Reducing the frequency of plaster replacement for doctors;

  • Completely replacing traditional paper or cotton liners with better results and stronger effects.


When using medical plaster, place the plaster liner on the outside of the gauze and fix it with a splint or plaster bandage. During follow-up appointments, there is no need to replace the plaster or plaster liner; simply inflate the plaster liner according to the degree of limb swelling and adjust the tightness accordingly (under the guidance of a doctor).